Reiki is a practice of energy work using the "laying on of the hands" or "palm healing", a technique discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui. An individual Reiki Session last 45 minutes using the Usui Reiki techniques done by Reiki Master Jo'Anne Smith, the Salt Lake Medium or Reiki Master Brandon Bolinder. This is a non-touching form of energy transfer where

as the patient stays fully clothed.

What are some of the benefits of Reiki:

The benefits a Reiki patient may receive from an Individual Session may include: raising your vibration level, balance your chakras, relieves physical pain, calms emotions/feelings, clears the mind, healing on all levels physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and much more...

How to schedule your Reiki Appointment:

To get on the Reiki Session list please fill out the contact form to the right. In the Subject box please put Schedule Reiki Appointment and in the Message box please put your best contact phone number and your city or zip code. An individual Reiki Session cost $111 and a Couples Reiki Session cost $222.

Reiki Distance Appointment:
Reiki may also be done through distance using the Reiki symbol Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. During a Reiki Distance Session Reiki Master Jo'Anne Smith, the Salt Lake Medium or Reiki Master Brandon Bolinder will spend 40 minutes sending Reiki Healing energy to you or a loved one. We may send Reiki energy to you for many reasons. Among these may be for physical pain, emotional pain/support, or for any aspect of your life, a family member or even pets. Those interested please fill out the Reiki appointment form on the right side of this page and in the comments put for Reiki Distance Session. A Reiki Distance Session is $45 per session or we do have Monthly ($111) and Yearly ($888) subscriptions available. For those on the Distance Healing Subscription plan Reiki Master Jo'Anne Smith, the Salt Lake Medium or Reiki Master Brandon Bolinder spends 1 hour week sending Reiki energy, plus you will receive one 15 minute Reiki consultation phone call a month and discounts on all "in person" Reiki Sessions while under the subscription period when available. 

Want to become a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master:

Join Reiki Master the Salt Lake Medium/Jo'Anne Smith and Reiki Master Brandon Bolinder for all three Usui Reiki Classes I, II and the Master Class. You may see up coming events by checking out the Events page on and click on the eventbrite link to see up coming classes.   

As always we appreciate your love and support, 



Jo'Anne Smith Psychic Medium

Reiki Session